Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Reduce Eye Strain While Working on a Computer

How to Reduce Eye Strain While Working on a Computer
by jrdiaz

Since birth each of us has gathered all of our outside information through the five  physical senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. And input from these physical senses is ceaseless and unending.

Two senses that provide most information about the world around us are sight and hearing. And none gives more pleasure and opportunities to appreciate the beauty God had created than our eyes.

Our wise Creator –God knows that our eyes are vulnerable to injury. So He keeps them safe in a socket guarded by the eyelids. The eyelids also serve as windshield wipers, sweeping the tears into the conjunctiva to prevent the eyes from drying. On the other hand, the tears help maintain the cleanliness of the eye lens. The iris regulates the size of the pupils, depending on the intensity of the light that enters the eyes.

But many times we take our eyes for granted through unhealthy practices. We rub them. We do not eat vitamin A-rich foods. We expose them to the sun. We sleep late and wake up early.

In May 2009, the World Health Organization reported that about 85 percent of all visual impairments that affect 314 million people in the world are preventable. The report showed that about 45 million are blind and that most of the people that are visually impaired are in the developing countries. More than 12 million children ages 5 to 15 have error of refraction that needs to be corrected.

Also, the widespread use of computers has led to some important health concerns. One of them is computer vision syndrome (CVS). You may have CVS if you have sore, tired, burning, itching, or dry eyes; blurred or double vision after prolonged staring at a display device.

With these alarming statistics and information, proper eye care is really important in order for our eyes to function efficiently and enable us to enjoy life.

To help those working with computers, here are some techniques we can follow to ease eye strain:

1.    Place your display device about an arm’s length away from your eyes with the top of the screen at eye level or below.
2.    Use large fonts. You may increase font size to at least 14 while working.

3.    Use a large monitor.

4.  Set a high contrast and medium brightness such as black on white contrast.

5.  As much as possible, go for natural lighting from outdoor sunshine. Too much light, however, creates glare on the screen. You can use glare screen to reduce glare.

6.    Every 10 to 15 minutes, take an eye break.
  •            Look into the distance and focus on the object for 20 to 30 seconds.
  •            Roll your eyes in a complete circle.
  •      Close your eyes and rest them for at least one minute.

7.    Blink your eyes every five seconds.

8.    If wear glasses, ask your doctor about computer glasses.

Following these tips may help reduce eyestrain while working on a computer. So take good care of your eyes and apply and practice these tips because eye care is better than eye cure.

As a final point, we must remember that the purpose of our eyes is not just for us to see but  for us to be enlightened.

The Word of God says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.” (Matthew 6:22-23)

Through our eyes, we can become either good or bad. So we need to be careful of what we are seeing and reading because we become what we continually seeing and reading.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Live Longer and Healthier

How to Live Longer and Healthier
 by jrdiaz

Many people today don’t realize that a long healthy life is chiefly up to them. This is the reason why people don’t care much about the food they eat or the beverage they drink.  And they don’t even think about what they should do with their bodies to become healthy and have longevity.

If you are not a health conscious person, the above observations will perhaps prompt you to find ways to prolong your life and take better care of yourself.

On the other hand, if you want to keep in top condition and have been searching for a set of health guides that can be depended on, you will be interested in the following tips on how to live longer and healthier:

1.    Have a periodic medical check-up.

This is our first investment in future health. We need to see our doctors, our dentists and our opticians for a thorough and complete medical check-up. If we do this, we can take preventive action at once for any findings on our physical examinations. The old saying says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

But a lot of people are not doing this check-up. Instead, they take self-medication and ignore symptoms. People, especially in the crucial age group from 40 to 50, should not ignore symptoms because it is in this group that today’s killer diseases creep in. We find that if you weather this dangerous decade and continue to take care of yourself, there can be many years of smooth sailing to the 70’s and beyond.

2.    Have plenty of fresh air.

In our daily lives, we need plenty of fresh air. We need to breathe clean and fresh air slowly and deeply. Quick shallow breathing results in oxygen starvation which leads to reduced vitality, premature ageing, and poor immune system. Animals which breathe slowly live the longest; the elephant is a good example.

Furthermore, we need to avoid inhaling polluted air because it decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

If you are a smoker, you have to stop it now because excessive smoking is bad not only to the heart and brain but also to the respiratory system. Stopping smoking is one thing millions of individuals can do to protect their health and prolong their lives. Tobacco is not going to be outlawed. You alone can save yourself from its lethal effects.

3.    Drink plenty of water.

The best water to drink is pure filtered water to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. A good rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day in addition to our food. We can live weeks without food, but only days without water. Without water, we would be poisoned to death by our own waste products.

Actually, water is exactly what the body needs to carry out the chemical reactions for all its life processes. It is the perfect beverage and one of life’s greatest blessings.

Now if you are a drinker, you must avoid excessive intake of alcohol because liquor carries a lot of calories. When the body’s fuel supply exceeds man’s total requirement, fat accumulates in the liver and leads to cirrhosis. Your liver can be damaged over a period of time without causing pain. And you may not realize how quickly alcohol creeps in for the kill.

4.     Eat the right foods.

We need to eat natural foods as much as possible because sickness or disease is most often a violation of God’s natural laws and dietary laws. Remember, we are what we eat, digest and absorb. So eat the right foods to live longer and healthier.

A healthy diet is generally rich in fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains and fiber. Raw foods are usually better than cooked foods because plant or food enzymes are essential in proper digestion. Frequent eating of cooked or processed foods can result in enzyme deficiencies because enzymes are destroyed by heat during cooking. Therefore, eat food items as the way they were created. Processed food will not extend your life; food is processed to extend its shelf life.

When we eat the right foods, we can keep our weight fairly normal and therefore, avert the danger of carrying hazardous excess fat.

5.    Exercise regularly.

People who are active on the job and those who regularly exercise in off-hours show best results in physical examinations. So if your occupation gives you little chance to move around, you need to cultivate a hobby or pastime that will strengthen your body.

It is said that the younger you are, the more you should indulge in vigorous physical exercise. Your body vitally needs it to stay strong and elastic. So start now to avoid depreciation of your body by having more walks than rides, more strolls than auto tours, and more sports participation than sports watching.

6.    Observe rest, relaxation, and sleep.

We need rest and relaxation to refresh ourselves and enjoy what we work for. Aside from relaxing and taking a day off every week, we need seven to eight hours of sleep each night to be fully rested.

We should not neglect these essentials because they are vital for a long life and personal effectiveness.  We will be far more productive if we observe these essentials than neglecting and forgetting them. They are the great restorers of our bodies.

7.    Enjoy your work.

We may retire from a specific organization or job, but we can never retire from life and work. The minute you quit working, you begin to die, because work is a necessary part of life. Your body might live for a while, but your potential—the real you—would die from lack of use. The joy of life would be gone.

Work is the energy that keeps you alive. It is the stuff that gives life meaning. So let us enjoy our work while we are still living.

In conclusion, we can say that the purpose of a long healthy life is not just to feel good and enjoy life; it is necessary to complete your purpose—your work—before you die.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How To Discover Your True Purpose

How To Discover Your True Purpose
by jrdiaz

Why am I here?
Many people today are obsessed with finding ways to prolong their lives. They are so caught up with trying to live longer that they never stop to consider why they are living at all.
Every human is searching for the simple formula to a healthy, successful and fulfilled life. They want to find the one key that unlocks the door to the good life and answers the questions of their heart.
If you conducted a sidewalk poll in a city, anywhere in the world, and asked people, “What is the key to life?” you would get many different answers. Some would say the key to life is to make money as much money as you can, as quickly as you can, and to hold onto it as long as you can. Others would see gaining political power and influence as the key to life. Love would be the key for many. Others would think that food is the key to life.
Then there are always those who would say that there is no key to life. Life is an accident; it just happened and therefore has no key or significance. The fact is, most people don’t know the key to life. This is why so many people live tragic lives; they don’t know why they are here. They have not a clue about how to make their time on this earth count for something worthwhile. Their existence is, in many ways, a kind of “living death” because a life without a purpose is not really a life at all.
The Key to Life
So what is the key to life? Finding your true purpose and living it is the key to life.
Every human being was born to fulfill a purpose--an assignment. And this assignment comes with a time limit. This particular principle can be verified in the Bible. It says, To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die.” ¹ This statement implies that every purpose on planet earth was given a certain amount of time. Everyone was born at a specific time because of their purpose. And we must complete our purpose--our assignment--before we die. Therefore, our biggest accomplishment is to discover our purpose.
How to Discover Your Purpose
There are two things you should do to discover your purpose. First, you must ask God--your Creator--through prayer. A created thing can never know what was in the mind of the creator when he planned and built it. So purpose is only found in the mind of the creator. In other words, only God knows the purpose for your life. Second, you must ask yourself. There are five questions that will help you discover your personal purpose:
1.    What is my passion?
2.    What is my gift?
3.    What is my dream?
4.    What is my idea?
5.    What makes me angry?

Your unique purpose will become obvious if you answer these questions correctly.

As a final point, hereunder is a quote to ponder:

True Success is discovering your purpose and completing it before you die.
Note: 1. Eccl. 3:1-2

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