Many people today are obsessed with finding ways to prolong their lives. They are so caught up with trying to live longer that they never stop to consider why they are living at all.
Every human is searching for the simple formula to a healthy, successful and fulfilled life. They want to find the one key that unlocks the door to the good life and answers the questions of their heart.
If you conducted a sidewalk poll in a city, anywhere in the world, and asked people, “What is the key to life?” you would get many different answers. Some would say the key to life is to make money as much money as you can, as quickly as you can, and to hold onto it as long as you can. Others would see gaining political power and influence as the key to life. Love would be the key for many. Others would think that food is the key to life.

The Key to Life
So what is the key to life? Finding your true purpose and living it is the key to life.
Every human being was born to fulfill a purpose--an assignment. And this assignment comes with a time limit. This particular principle can be verified in the Bible. It says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die.” ¹ This statement implies that every purpose on planet earth was given a certain amount of time. Everyone was born at a specific time because of their purpose. And we must complete our purpose--our assignment--before we die. Therefore, our biggest accomplishment is to discover our purpose.
There are two things you should do to discover your purpose. First, you must ask God--your Creator--through prayer. A created thing can never know what was in the mind of the creator when he planned and built it. So purpose is only found in the mind of the creator. In other words, only God knows the purpose for your life. Second, you must ask yourself. There are five questions that will help you discover your personal purpose:
1. What is my passion?
2. What is my gift?
3. What is my dream?
4. What is my idea?
5. What makes me angry?
Your unique purpose will become obvious if you answer these questions correctly.
As a final point, hereunder is a quote to ponder:
True Success is discovering your purpose and completing it before you die.
Note: 1. Eccl. 3:1-2
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My purpose is to help others to find their purpose.