Thursday, June 30, 2016

True Success

by jrdiaz


1. Know your purpose

If you want to know your purpose, ask your Creator. A person apart from his Creator cannot know his purpose. Only God knows the purpose for your life. That is why you need first to reconcile yourself to God--your Creator to know your purpose.

2. Make a plan according to your purpose
Every purpose is achieved by a plan. So, write your plan, develop action steps and organize all your activities around your purpose.

3. Work on your plan to fulfill your purpose
Planning without scheduling is merely a dream. So, work on your plans every single day. Do something  to move yourself toward your major goal every day. Discipline yourself and stick to your purpose until you fulfill it. Your plans may change but your purpose is permanent.

Remember, TRUE SUCCESS is finding your PURPOSE and fulfilling it before you die.

Related Articles:  
The Most Important Thing 
Why Fulfill Your Purpose 
What's Your Why?


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